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SamuraiDrifter wrote:BoC did not promise the wait would be shorter.

That's one of those rumors that's been repeated over and over again with almost no evidence behind it. The only source is an offhand comment in a supposed email between Joyrex and MDG.

Even if Joyrex is telling the truth about that email (this is the same guy who claims to have the original R35TT with no proof), it's not even a statement directly from the band, it would be MDG relating their intentions second-hand. And, even if MDG was accurately relating a direct quote from the band, they've promised countless things in the past that never happened: a full movie scored by them, a Hexagon Sun book, a BOCset, a 2010 album release, etc. So I would take that with a fraction of a grain of salt.

The only thing 1/22 has going for it is the Pioneer Plaque connection.

sad but true, my hopes are still high though.
no information at this moment in time

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The moment an announcement is made, this thread should be closed immediately.

A possible new chapter is about to be made, but...

Must. Lower. Expectations.

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demo wrote:The moment an announcement is made, this thread should be closed immediately.

A possible new chapter is about to be made, but...

Must. Lower. Expectations.

But we must keep it open for the next 7-and-a-half-plus year wait. Imagine all the conspiracy theories we'd be missing! All the red herrings that turns into dead-ends. All the numerology! 8)

Honestly, I'm going to laugh if something happens, we all party, and then a few months later, Opothecary comes back and we begin this cycle anew :P I'm almost tempted to look back to 2014 and see what happened after the dust settled with Harvest. I wonder if people were like, "I bet the new BOC release is coming next year." Those innocent days :lol:
Warning: This numerology post is not to be taken 2 seriously.

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I listen to BBC Radio 6 every day, I've noticed more BOC popping up during the day, Aquarius was played last week by Lauren Laverne (it sounded fantastic through the extra compression they put on it!) then this morning they advertised a special about music and the mind with Olsen playing for about 10 seconds before the dialogue started - I've rarely heard BOC on radio 6 during the day since TH came out, they're usually only played during the obscure hours at night - hopefully all signs of the dawning of the age of Aquarius, it is the year after all ! (I want to believe!) ... rius-begin

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SamuraiDrifter wrote:BoC did not promise the wait would be shorter.

That's one of those rumors that's been repeated over and over again with almost no evidence behind it. The only source is an offhand comment in a supposed email between Joyrex and MDG.

Ah man, I always assumed BoC mentioned that in an interview.

Well that's taken the wind out of my sails for sure. That Joyrex is a slippery ol' chap. The guy's either a pathological liar or an uber troll. I must've seen him drop at least 20 predictions/hints/nuggets of 'insider knowledge' over the years, but not a single statement has proven to be true. He claims to be in the know, but in reality he knows fuck all more than we do.

Hopefully this is a case of 'the Joy who cried wolf' but I'm not getting my hopes up. The Pioneer plaque theory is all we can trust right now.

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Twentington wrote:I listen to BBC Radio 6 every day, I've noticed more BOC popping up during the day, Aquarius was played last week by Lauren Laverne (it sounded fantastic through the extra compression they put on it!) then this morning they advertised a special about music and the mind with Olsen playing for about 10 seconds before the dialogue started - I've rarely heard BOC on radio 6 during the day since TH came out, they're usually only played during the obscure hours at night - hopefully all signs of the dawning of the age of Aquarius, it is the year after all ! (I want to believe!)

The program they were mentioning was Journeys in Sound ( next episode is on sunday, the first episode features BOC looking at the playlist but I've not checked it out yet

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demo wrote:The moment an announcement is made, this thread should be closed immediately.

A possible new chapter is about to be made, but...

Must. Lower. Expectations.

No way. The thread started pre TH. It should have been clos3ed eyars ago. Also, TCH was so much more of a goodbye album, than TH.

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A lot of people here seem to have a shared memory of the interview segment in question, claiming that it would be shorter between releases this time around, myself included. I was lurking when that was last under discussion and was tempted to chime in but inevitably only the repeated lockdowns got the better of me lol.

I also have this memory of a 2013 online newspaper interview with the brothers in which they said that.
I recall reading it shortly after TH dropped.

Either it is a collective false memory or it has since been edited or removed.

It isn't impossible that it was edited, in which case a cached version would be the safest bet, but finding which one it was would be difficult.

It looked a bit like the Guardian to me, but it probably wasn't.

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I have read every English interview on BOCpages and a few in other languages via Google translate, and have never come across anything remotely like that supposed quote.

Last time it was brought up I asked for a source and Echleon told me they had gone on a mission to track it down and finally traced it to a supposed comment in an e-mail from MDG to Joyrex.

As Sherbet Head says, Joyrex has made multiple predictions or statements that turned out to be false. I truly think he's basically just a fan who wants to insert himself into the Warp insider scene and seem more important. I remember on WATMM once he claimed during the wait before TH that BoC had lost a bunch of work when their hard drive died and MDG responded almost immediately debunking it.

Repeated rumors like this absolutely can lead to constructing false memories. The closest BoC came in any interview I've seen to talking about another album was stating that they're always making music and have no plans to stop.

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My memory is of mdg making that comment here on twoism saying that the wait would be shorter. I thought maybe he deleted the comment once he realized that it wouldn't, but apparently his comments are backed up on bocpages.
The only thing I could find was the bros saying that the next album was half finished when TH was released, but that tells us nothing.
"Boards of Canada is a unique project that got a bit out of hand."

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Could be nothing, but Neil Krug, who did the artwork for TMH made an appreciation post to Societas x Tape on his Instagram Stories feed last night.
I've been following his work since 2013, and the only thing he ever posts is his own stuff, so this is out of character.

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The anticipation is palpable, this week is going to drag by.

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I will put emphasis on the word aspire even if such a quote does exist and I am not trying to make it true so that they will then be seen to have gone against their word if an album doesn't drop in the next few days, quite the contrary. BoC were also hoping to work on several video releases and a collaboration with Chris Morris (Four Lions/The Day Today etc) which seemingly never came to fruition.

Things should be taken with a grain of salt of course.

I am aware of everything you are saying in relation to the only trace of such a claim being made having been something vague from Joyrex - who isn't the most reliable of sources as you state, Samurai, but it is difficult to prove a negative sometimes and a lot of us remember that as a direct quote from our own reading of an interview in very similar contexts.

Our very own little Mandela effect.

Interviews aren't added to Bocpages immediately and an abridged or later edited version of it may have been the final one to find its way there.

I am leaning towards your being right, because the level of hoops that one has to jump through to make it true at this stage are becoming increasingly convoluted.

I am not polarised or biased either way and I feel it is potentially either.

New seed, but don't think I haven't been lurking for years at this point :mrgreen:

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chronical wrote:Robots doing robot things

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Yeah, I'm not trying to crush anyone's hopes here. It seems pretty clear to me that BoC have something in the works- there was the same increase in social media activity and hinting at new material leading up to Tomorrow's Harvest back in 2011-2012, and the gap in announced Warp releases is intriguing.

I'm just trying to keep realistic here- I've seen many hyped dates come and go, many rumors turn out to be false, etc.

When it comes down to it, for all their numerology shenanigans on their records, it pretty much never extends to their release dates. Almost every hyped up date has been fans essentially picking dates out of thin air based on some perceived significance (palindromic arrangements, historical events, anniversaries, etc.) and basically all of their actual release dates were otherwise ordinary days.

I do think 1/22 is somewhat promising, only because of the direct connection to the Pioneer Plaque, and because of the unusual gap in Warp releases. But I will not be at all surprised if it comes and goes with nothing and a new record drops on a seemingly random date with no other significance.

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SamuraiDrifter wrote:
Last time it was brought up I asked for a source and Echleon told me they had gone on a mission to track it down and finally traced it to a supposed comment in an e-mail from MDG to Joyrex.

My apologies for purporting it as fact. :( I tend to be a bit gullible and very trusting.

That said, there's plenty of positive things to focus on concerning this. And I think the fact BOC are turning up in professional places (Neil Krug, BBC) is a good sign too. :D
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Zephyr Method wrote:

such a fantastic album

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Has anyone found the source video for the Julie and Candy live kaleidoscopic visuals? Flare - A Ski Trip (1977) could def be a candidate:

That or something from this 1977 Warren Miller film:

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What other reason would they have uploaded the banner for?

To say "hello" to fans? They didn't need to do that since they where already interacting on Twitter and Instagram, so... For what other reason other than to signify a particular date, why else would they have uploaded that banner?

Seriously trying to think, is Pioneer Plaque's most significant date really the final transmission on 21/01?

Just trying to cover all bases here.


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