arvy wrote:mthrndr wrote:You know, I'm betting MDG is keeping his mouth zipped this time because last time he promised an album release (2010) he was off by three years! No more hints from the official HS source!
Next year is 20th anniversary of Geogaddi. TH was released on the 15th annyversary of their first record. I'm sure there will be something huge on the 20th anniversary of the second and arguably most aclaimed record to date.
Lithograph time! And new shirts
(Which I will buy.)
Big shame if they do that. Geogaddi is my absolute favorite electronic record in history.
Also, Geogandi, i didn't mean you either. I mean all the copycats afterwards. I think your plan was Joker-esque, in a good way.
And again, we got the Pioneer Plaque afterwards, so perhaps you should do it again haha
Warning: This numerology post is not to be taken 2 seriously.