funnnnpng wrote:Echelon wrote:BTW, random epiphany, but what if the posting of the Pioneer's Plaque simply meant, "Same time, next year."
Idk if they would play us like that. I am really hoping they give us something this year, it's been almost 10 years since tomorrows harvest! if they haven't given us anything by 2023 i'll be rather miffed...
This was the last thing I read online last night before I went to bed. I think it may have inspired a hilarious Boards of Canada dream, which I haven't had a in a long time.
Turns out you were all correct to some extent. The new album drops and it has a space theme. The album cover seems to feature a multitude of alien races with some giant alien text scrolled across the top. The best part though, was that some of us on the board were gifted box sets... but it turned out to just be boxes they sent us fans after they cleaned out their garage. Old holiday cards, burnt out light bulbs. That kind of thing.
Definitely made me chuckle.