This one has been up since 2011 untouched. Combined with the fact that the account was started on the same day the Nuevas Semillas video was uploaded to the known legit YouTube page, this account was at least started by them.
It's technically possible that they could have been hacked, but that seems really unlikely. Normally hacked accounts just spam ads and whatnot. They would have had to be hacked by a fan with an extensive knowledge of their history, style, and fan community... For the purpose of what? Posting a single video? I don't buy it at all.
That leaves option 3, they're fucking with us. And pretty much everything they've done under the Hell Interface name has been bizarre shit like this, so it seems pretty well in character.
debugDolores wrote:this just feels out of character; the whitney houston picture edited to be a demon just feels like something they wouldnt do.
Why do you say that? Their Invocation video was full of silly Satanic references (the counter flashing "666" and "kill" repeatedly), the old "Devil" clip on Old Tunes. It feels very in character IMO.