Moderators: mdg, Mexicola, 2020k, Fredd-E, Aesthetics
DBN44 wrote:Where else can one find in that Sheol Boundary YT video the Red Moss jingle in really good quality like the one in the video at 5:44? That in itself is a red flag for being possibly a legit video if that high quality sample can't be found anywhere else.
egbdf wrote:I'm not hearing anything that sounds like it couldn't have just come from Red Moss itself, though I don't have a great ear for that.
Davism wrote:Considering that the 5th panned out, when is the next speculative date? Is that it for pioneer 11?
Davism wrote:Considering that the 5th panned out, when is the next speculative date? Is that it for pioneer 11?
TheStatPow wrote:egbdf wrote:
My guess is this channel is fan made (wish it was real!), but that Whitney Houston scary image appeared inverted back in 2013 here ... FJn4B3eBqA
The channel is called Sheol Boundary, which is roughly translatable to Hell Interface.
They posted an impressive parody video in response to a video I made. (Amusing and slightly flattering even if not "real").
That was discussed at the time in this thread: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=11284&start=20
That's soooo hilarious. Wilhem scream, Amen Brother, Cher
Fredd-E wrote:I've done some more thinking. And I think we are overthinking it. My new logical conclusion is that the Hell Interface Facebook page is 100% legit. Let me tell you why. Check out this collage first.
From left to right: Hell Interface Facebook page profile picture (Aug 23rd 2011), Hell Interface Soundcloud profile, Hell Interface Bandcamp profile, and finally Hell Interface YouTube channel.
Yes, they all use the same profile picture. The one which first popped up on August 23, 2011.
Thing is BoC is pretty secure about name squatters and there have been issues before regarding their social media presence. Issues that have luckily been resolved.
I can tell you the bandcamp page is now in hands of HS.
This official account uses the same profile picture as on all the other social media pages. Let's also not forget that the YouTube Hell Interface channel is 100% proven to be legit. All this combined is pretty much conclusive proof, imo.
Say for instance the Hell Interface Facebook page is fake, why on earth would they choose the same profile picture then for their official Bandcamp page. They are not fond of name squatters and impersonators. That would make zero sense to add to the confusion.
Combine this information with what I've said previously about the Nuevas Semillas date alignment with the Facebook page creation date.
You do the maths.
Fredd-E wrote:They are not fond of name squatters and impersonators.
Geogandhi wrote:That Parody vid is good ha. Great choices in the used samples and does allude to the culprit being in their 40s. The Bod Theme tune is not something that anyone under 40 would be aware of. Does not narrow it down to it being legit but it does rule out a huge number of fans.
mthrndr wrote:That Sheol Boundary parody is *extremely* compelling. Just dropped into Neptuneful's comments with no fanfare; excellently done; just a few hundred views from interested people...let's just say if that was Mike or Marcus I would not be surprised at all.
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