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Moz wrote:
Fredd-E wrote:
funnnnpng wrote:Maybe they're trying to mirror modern conspiracy internet culture (stuff like qanon, the fascination with args and internet mysteries) with this. just doing random corresponding dates like the pioneer anniversary, completely random posts of the joke deepfake video and becoming active again, liking random posts on twitter.... just to try and make us fall down a rabbit hole that really, when you look at the whole doesn't make much sense.

I like this theory.

Are you maybe in on this thing? Your enthusiasm about so far unconfirmed things is a bit suspicious.

And there we go. we're already starting to not trust one another.

i'M aLSo SerViNG tHEsTATpOW a wARnINg

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Yes! Paranoia!

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It's part of their game ...

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Still happy that a shit ton of people are on. Can you feel the hexagons tonight? :wink:
Warning: This numerology post is not to be taken 2 seriously.

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mthrndr wrote:BoC would never in a trillion years do a fucking nft. I allow Richard ONE. But he better never do another one.

digital certificate of authenticity scam

I have a feeling that the only reason they did one was as a promotion for whatever he has coming next, considering the hidden image and date... (April 14th, 2021 if anyone didn't know.)
Heard from the Horizon Radar

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It's 2013 all over again!!!
you're in a psycho war, that's what your permit's for

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I've got BOCFEVER BABY!!!!
Heard from the Horizon Radar

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Something I noticed is that the Sheol Boundary yt channel has a discussion tab, which is extremely rare nowadays ... discussion

I commented "test" about half an hour ago

Now someone gave it a like.. I doubt it was any of you because I don't think you knew or was it??

edit: proof that it had a like before I posted it here

Last edited by MIXL2 on Wed Apr 07, 2021 9:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Maybe they liked it... they're watching..... always watching.....
you're in a psycho war, that's what your permit's for

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lEt's all start postiNg Like we'Re in on The thIng just to ConFuse the hEll out of eAch other. Or maybe we already started ;)

faLse HopEs.
i'M aLSo SerViNG tHEsTATpOW a wARnINg

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(H)(e)ll Ma(x)im(a) sin(g)le (o)pe(n)ing (Su)mmer (n)ight
you're in a psycho war, that's what your permit's for

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Likely means nothing but the banner is zoomed in on the Sheol Boundary channel versus the Hell Interface channel. And also the images appear to be VERY slightly different colours...
Heard from the Horizon Radar

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Pepsi Max purple screen success
yes, i would love to be free!

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Fellas, I wasn't totally sure at first but I think I figured it out!
If The Campfire Headphase was a butterfly, would Acid Memories be the caterpillar?
Spoiler: show
Unfortunately I have no clue lmao. But while you're here, go ahead and check out some of my tunes! You might dig 'em and stuff!

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So what’s the consensus on this page? Getting serious AtalantaFugiens vibes from it personally?

Any significance of its join date of September 30, 2013?


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NorthSaturnian wrote:Pepsi Max purple screen success

i'M aLSo SerViNG tHEsTATpOW a wARnINg

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Jango9 wrote:Fellas, I wasn't totally sure at first but I think I figured it out!


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We’re listening.

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Moz wrote:
Fredd-E wrote:
funnnnpng wrote:Maybe they're trying to mirror modern conspiracy internet culture (stuff like qanon, the fascination with args and internet mysteries) with this. just doing random corresponding dates like the pioneer anniversary, completely random posts of the joke deepfake video and becoming active again, liking random posts on twitter.... just to try and make us fall down a rabbit hole that really, when you look at the whole doesn't make much sense.

I like this theory.

Are you maybe in on this thing? Your enthusiasm about so far unconfirmed things is a bit suspicious.

I consider myself to be an enthusiastic person by nature and I love all the boc enthusiasm, but I am in no position to spread false information with regards to me being the owner of bocpages. I don't want to jeopardise my street cred.

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Fredd-E wrote:
Jango9 wrote:Fellas, I wasn't totally sure at first but I think I figured it out!


I haven't looked at that page in forever. Totally forgot it had an obvious FNORD in it.


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