Fredd-E wrote:I was thinking in that direction indeed. But hey I'm not willing to burn witches here.I'm just getting more and more skeptical. Especially because it wouldn't surprise me some WATMM members could be having a very big laugh at our expense
I think you're way overthinking this and getting too far into the weeds Fredd-E.
-The Hell Interface FB account was made on the same date as the Nuevas Semillas video was uploaded, unlisted, to the official YouTube channel. If the page was fake that would be an astronomical coincidence.
-The Sheol Boundary video used a higher quality version of Red Moss than is available to fans, and used a hi-fi version of the exact synth sound from the song. Also, no-one ever claimed responsibility for it.
-BoC is known to have used puppet accounts in the past (i.e. Atalanta Fugiens).
-The Sheol Boundary video was posted in 2013, more than 7 years ago, and Egbdf barely mentioned it at the time. I have a really hard time believing he's masterminding something spread over 8 years.
Boards of Canada, on the other hand, are known to drop crumbs that aren't discovered until years later sometimes (i.e. the 2011 upload of Nuevas Semillas).
-The other, verified channels are also highly active right now.
The evidence that strongly points to all of that stuff being legit has not been overturned or contradicted. My guess is the confusion, the paranoia, is exactly what they're going for here. That fits perfectly with the Discordian attitude as well (see: Operation Mindfuck).