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Think someone tried to turn FB off and back on's all back now.
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Someone stepped on the cable...

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Mark Zuckerboard is a known BoC fan, he's messing with us
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Moz wrote:Someone stepped on the cable...

I think they plugged it in the wrong way, down again - lol.

Maybe it's like USB, third times the charm!
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drixlin wrote:
Moz wrote:Someone stepped on the cable...

I think they plugged it in the wrong way, down again - lol.

Maybe it's like USB, third times the charm!

Usually takes me 4 tries, and yes, that's as weird as it sounds

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Anyone hyped about all the Seefeel reissues with the bonus tracks?

Perhaps we'll get BOC albums like that next :D Remember MDG promised the archival stuff after TH
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I would kill for them to reissue their entire catalogue with 2-4 bonus tracks that didn't make the cut. That would be absolutely amazing.
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No offense but my take on this is that you guys are too quick to jump on the conclusion that something is being done by them or part of some big scheme or teaser, or done on purpose. Like for example this just now that is an account from a fellow fan that decided to do their own SxT tribute but your first thought is looking at the account creation date and thinking it could be related just because its from 2006, or thinking that the account not having previous videos has a meaning, when it could be just that they decided to delete or unlist their old videos, I do that all the time with my youtube accounts.

Same when BoC uploaded those fanmade videos in Facebook, which is just normal because they always digged those, and when the Faastwalker one was uploaded people thought it was something important just because y'all couldn't find the video and the track was slowed down, when it just happened to be on the Vimeo account of the fan. Or now with the Heard From Telegraph Lines someone decided to look up the one who did the video and was surprised that they posted something about BoC in the past and I'm here thinking "yup, the boc fanmade video was done by a boc fan, who would've thought?"

I know you prob thought that they meant that this person only provided the recording, but that BoC later added the track on top themselves, but what I'm trying to say is that instead of reaching a normal conclusion that would mean an insignificant event, you'd be so desperate to find a clue that you'll end up making a huge plot for it, when in reality nothing is happening, same with the track being slowed down or the track lenght, you'd first end up thinking its an unreleased version or that the length has a meaning instead of "oh they decided to slow it down for fun" and not think anything of the length. I also think that them posting a video for that song is merely just a coincidence, not that they did it because Fredd-E made a joke/pun with it.

As demo said, imagine this from their POV, you decide to use social media like anyone else on the internet, but then everything you post is suddenly being analyzed to death trying to find the next TH ARG clue, then going into every account that interacts with it and check their followers or creation date or their pfp / banner looking for a hidden meaning, if I was them I'd find it a bit tiring. I'm fine with optimism and speculation but I think that sometimes this thread goes too far and it gets borderline stalkery both to BoC and anyone that posts anything remotely related to their work.

Sorry for making such a long post, I can't help but write 500 words whenever I wanna explain something :lol:

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Echelon wrote:Anyone hyped about all the Seefeel reissues with the bonus tracks?

Perhaps we'll get BOC albums like that next :D Remember MDG promised the archival stuff after TH

I'd like more guitars, but crazier, like geogaddi vs campfire. Or just straight up pop record with vocals and everything. Would be interesting to hear their take on it. Something like Societas X but all BoC.

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I do think the FB page is owned by them though, mostly based on what was said already: they are quick to take over fake accounts and people trying to impersonate them, like when someone here registered the boardsofcanada.bandcamp as a joke just to see if it was possible, and Warp quickly took control of the page. At first I thought they could have gotten hacked but then I thought that the video was indeed in character with that moniker.

The Aug 23 2011 dates can also be proof for it being real because of the upload date of the Youtube video, it would mean that during that day they were indeed logged in their hell interface accounts and doing some work with them, note how this is something that they didn't do *on purpose*, it simply means that they were active that date. However the April 5 anniversary I don't think it means anything, it most likely was just a coincidence, I dunno why they would do that *on purpose* just because it matches the creation of the Youtube channel, they probably don't even remember or care about the creation date of that account I mean, do you do that for your accounts? would you do something like that to tease something? coincidences with dates like this happen all the time with random things.

Same with the video itself, its just a funny thing they decided to upload, if this account and post is confirmed to be them, it would be at best funny or interesting, not the confirmation of a teaser or ARG or new music, I think that when that happens for real we are going to get some irrefutable solid proof that can't be interpreted as anything else other than an announcement coming from Warp's twitter or their twitter, or maybe something like the My Bloody Valentine Loveless repress announcement, out of nowhere an image with a date on their instagram.

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fefor wrote:No offense but my take on this is that you guys are too quick to jump on the conclusion that something is being done by them or part of some big scheme or teaser, or done on purpose. Like for example this just now that is an account from a fellow fan that decided to do their own SxT tribute but your first thought is looking at the account creation date and thinking it could be related just because its from 2006, or thinking that the account not having previous videos has a meaning, when it could be just that they decided to delete or unlist their old videos, I do that all the time with my youtube accounts.

Same when BoC uploaded those fanmade videos in Facebook, which is just normal because they always digged those, and when the Faastwalker one was uploaded people thought it was something important just because y'all couldn't find the video and the track was slowed down, when it just happened to be on the Vimeo account of the fan. Or now with the Heard From Telegraph Lines someone decided to look up the one who did the video and was surprised that they posted something about BoC in the past and I'm here thinking "yup, the boc fanmade video was done by a boc fan, who would've thought?"

I know you prob thought that they meant that this person only provided the recording, but that BoC later added the track on top themselves, but what I'm trying to say is that instead of reaching a normal conclusion that would mean an insignificant event, you'd be so desperate to find a clue that you'll end up making a huge plot for it, when in reality nothing is happening, same with the track being slowed down or the track lenght, you'd first end up thinking its an unreleased version or that the length has a meaning instead of "oh they decided to slow it down for fun" and not think anything of the length. I also think that them posting a video for that song is merely just a coincidence, not that they did it because Fredd-E made a joke/pun with it.

As demo said, imagine this from their POV, you decide to use social media like anyone else on the internet, but then everything you post is suddenly being analyzed to death trying to find the next TH ARG clue, then going into every account that interacts with it and check their followers or creation date or their pfp / banner looking for a hidden meaning, if I was them I'd find it a bit tiring. I'm fine with optimism and speculation but I think that sometimes this thread goes too far and it gets borderline stalkery both to BoC and anyone that posts anything remotely related to their work.

Sorry for making such a long post, I can't help but write 500 words whenever I wanna explain something :lol:

I agree. Just because someone logged into an account and changed a profile pic, or posted a random video suddenly it's an arg. Maybe they got an email saying the account would be deleted for inactivity. People need to calm down.

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If a new album is forthcoming... (please) you think they would do a virtual version of the Lake Dolores premier event? Maybe cryptic invitations for a limited number of views are floating around out there.

I know, far fetched but one can hope!
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niknak wrote:
I agree. Just because someone logged into an account and changed a profile pic, or posted a random video suddenly it's an arg. Maybe they got an email saying the account would be deleted for inactivity. People need to calm down.

I kind of felt the whole time this was going on that there was nothing that would give actual closure about a release. Seemed a bunch of fooling around.

However, I'm very positive that they were probably testing people's reactions. I think that nowadays, with the way things are on social media, it's very easy to get people upset and rallying for your cancellation. So I think BOC posted a few "spicy" images to see how we'd react. After all, both the melting nazi and the demon Whitney are both provocative images. Not offensive per se, but still, I'm sure there are some people of the faint of heart who might have an issue with either.

The fanbase here was actually more happy they were posting things even if it was silly 'evil' stuff) than anything. So perhaps if their album contains anything 'provocative' like that, they know the fanbase won't get mad at them.

Personally, I think Mike and Marcus are well intentioned guys and when they make art that provokes, it's all for freedom of expression. As an independent artist who publishes his own works, I can get behind that.
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To be as objective as possible—though I literally salivate insatiably at the thought of new BoC music—I think it’s necessary to dispel the notion that the rabid scrutiny of their inter-web shenanigans isn’t warranted. One needs only to recollect (as I often do) the novel and exhilarating net-based Easter egg hunt that preceded “Tomorrow’s Harvest.” I mean, talk about internet minutiae!

That is certainly not to say that we don’t overreact at times; or that there isn’t a sacred barrier between investigation and intrusion. Personally, I welcome and digest every “lead” you fine people uncover; and I myself, as a casual but committed observer, feel that the pace of action is such that we haven’t seen in quite some time. I feel optimism on the new music front for the first time in maybe half a decade.
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I think it's just because they haven't been active in so long that literally *any* upload or small sense of activity from them immediately elicits a response like "there's a new album!". Hell at first them just posting that silly video on the HI facebook made me think a new Hell Interface release was coming. I'm glad they're becoming more active, and I hope that them actually being active at all becomes the norm so that people don't have to freak out when they like a couple posts or something
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At the bottom of it says

"Most users ever online was 1038 on Wed Sep 30, 2020 8:27 am"

Anyone have a guess as to why? Or maybe it's a bug, or bots. I went back in this thread to that date and there wasn't a ton of activity or anything. My first guess was that it would have been around the time of some interesting discovery.
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egbdf wrote:At the bottom of it says

"Most users ever online was 1038 on Wed Sep 30, 2020 8:27 am"

Anyone have a guess as to why? Or maybe it's a bug, or bots. I went back in this thread to that date and there wasn't a ton of activity or anything. My first guess was that it would have been around the time of some interesting discovery.

That was the month of the Pioneer's Plaque! Though it was discovered in early Sep.
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Once again, some of you are overthinking this.

Is there proof that a new album is about to come out? No. But activity on multiple social media accounts has been increasing steadily over the past few months, and there's been more activity over the past 3 days than there has been in the past 3 years combined. Further, changing the Hell Interface profile pic and banner to black feels very deliberate.

Again, no proof yet- but there's unmistakably been activity on multiple fronts, so my interest is piqued and I'm going to keep watching. If you feel that none of this means anything, feel free to ignore it.

I don't see the purpose of coming into a thread literally made for speculation and writing long essays telling people to stop speculating, though.
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Echelon wrote:
That was the month of the Pioneer's Plaque! Though it was discovered in early Sep.

Right, seems like an odd delay, unless that's the time it was posted somewhere else, leading tons of unregistered users here.
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this is probably nothing........

but it's definitely a bit odd. i sent him a follow request yesterday, and now his account looks like this:



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