Biznasty wrote:egbdf wrote:Biznasty wrote:It's also interesting that apparently that Pioneer Plaque banner has been around for years and none of us even knew about it... I was semi-losing faith in the possibility of a release soon because of the mushroom cloud banner being on the BoC YT page for years before Tomorrow's Harvest came out, but if the Pioneer Plaque banner has already been here for years that just makes me even more sure that we'll get a release soon! #BoC2021
A pretty simple interpretation of Sixtyniner's find is that the Pioneer Plaque image was actually just thrown together for the Sheol channel 7 years ago and doesn't necessarily mean much about a next album theme or anything.
But why then use it everywhere else? Some of their other channels don't have a banner at all...
This is total speculation of course, but maybe that and Whitney just ended up in the 'bank' of material to throw around.
But I'm not arguing against the potential of the recent activity to perhaps indicate something.
Well, unless it is all just a big, very impressive hoax by a fan. That caveat always has to be there given what we've seen in the past. But I'm having trouble not buying the legitimacy at this point.