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SamuraiDrifter wrote:
bendu wrote:It occurred to me today that the fretless bass track from Societas x Tape could very well be Boards of Canada. Has anyone considered this? I am I crazy? If the that's what the new album sounded like I would not be disappointed. I am also in the camp that is interested in basically anything the brothers want to share.

Certainly could be, they mentioned at one point they have a lot of unreleased music wildly different from what appears on BoC albums that would not be easily recognizable as their work.

I still maintain that they almost certainly slipped at least one track from either the next album or an old unreleased album into the SXT somewhere and we're still running around like decapitated chickens trying to source it/them lmao. Might be the fretless bass track or it could be one of the others, guess we'll just have to "give it a bit longer" in order to find out :P
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Unfortunately I have no clue lmao. But while you're here, go ahead and check out some of my tunes! You might dig 'em and stuff!

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Jango9 wrote:
SamuraiDrifter wrote:
bendu wrote:It occurred to me today that the fretless bass track from Societas x Tape could very well be Boards of Canada. Has anyone considered this? I am I crazy? If the that's what the new album sounded like I would not be disappointed. I am also in the camp that is interested in basically anything the brothers want to share.

Certainly could be, they mentioned at one point they have a lot of unreleased music wildly different from what appears on BoC albums that would not be easily recognizable as their work.

I still maintain that they almost certainly slipped at least one track from either the next album or an old unreleased album into the SXT somewhere and we're still running around like decapitated chickens trying to source it/them lmao. Might be the fretless bass track or it could be one of the others, guess we'll just have to "give it a bit longer" in order to find out :P

Maybe the shoegaze on SxT is Kevin Shield's cover of Beneath the Coke Sign
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bendu wrote:It occurred to me today that the fretless bass track from Societas x Tape could very well be Boards of Canada. Has anyone considered this? I am I crazy? If the that's what the new album sounded like I would not be disappointed. I am also in the camp that is interested in basically anything the brothers want to share.

I've thought this about a lot of tracks on there but every time has been wrong. That's the last one I thought could have been, the instrumentation feels not a million miles off something they might have done for one of those incidental tracks they apparently have made alongside albums to sample off, especially because it doesn't feel like an actual standalone track, you know? It just kind of starts, repeats, ends.

The thing that really counts against it for me is that if anywhere was going to use that little signature melody they do (the one from the "Uuh" video) it would be that, and it's just not there. Like, it would *really obviously* fit there, and it's nowhere in the whole length of it, which is just odd for something that feels so much like a jam, you'd think it might creep in there.

Also, if it were made for that, you'd kind of wonder how it's never appeared anywhere, especially not on TH. It sounds like the closing credits of an early 80s movie or something, it's right on the mood board for a few things they've done but this is the first we're hearing of it.

So I think it really is just a thing they found somewhere. I'd love to be wrong though, I love the sound of it.

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I believe that that "fretless bass" track is either
a) a very rare prog rock interlude (you can hear a bongo fill right before the track actually starts)
b) some library music that the brothers remixed. theres that little percussion sound that comes in that doesn't sound like anything a lot of 70s-80s musicians would ever do. sounds like the bros. they've done this before with sir prancelot brainfire (i think the "soon the queen will come our way" track is also a weird piece of old library music with a synth added over it by boc) , so it could very well be the case that it's just a remix of a piano track.

I've been looking for this track for a while, the only lead i had was "vytas brenner 70s obscure 45 demo unreleased" or something that someone commented under the unknown track but that led me nowhere. I DID find a very obscure vytas brenner 45 he did with another person but there's no rips of it available online and since most if not all the rips on SxT are taken directly from youtube i assume they sourced it from there as well.
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I also went down the rabbit hole of obscure prog rock releases and found an artist that recorded one debut album in the 70s, whos piano playing style was EXTREMELY similar to that of the "fretless bass track". even down to some of the chords and keys. very interesting stuff. couldn't find the actual track with all the right chords though.

Right around here. Eerily similar chord progression.
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I still think the two best candidates on the x tape for full unknown BoC tracks are the ones at 7:09 ( and 1:52:00 (

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mthrndr wrote:I still think the two best candidates on the x tape for full unknown BoC tracks are the ones at 7:09 ( and 1:52:00 (

I convinced myself ages ago that the track at 1:52:00 is absolutely Boards of Canada, I feel it in my gut

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the 1:52:00 track is pretty much exactly how I imagine Catalog 3. The tape hiss only adds to that feel too.

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Negamuse wrote:
bendu wrote:It occurred to me today that the fretless bass track from Societas x Tape could very well be Boards of Canada. Has anyone considered this? I am I crazy? If the that's what the new album sounded like I would not be disappointed. I am also in the camp that is interested in basically anything the brothers want to share.

I've thought this about a lot of tracks on there but every time has been wrong. That's the last one I thought could have been, the instrumentation feels not a million miles off something they might have done for one of those incidental tracks they apparently have made alongside albums to sample off, especially because it doesn't feel like an actual standalone track, you know? It just kind of starts, repeats, ends.

The thing that really counts against it for me is that if anywhere was going to use that little signature melody they do (the one from the "Uuh" video) it would be that, and it's just not there. Like, it would *really obviously* fit there, and it's nowhere in the whole length of it, which is just odd for something that feels so much like a jam, you'd think it might creep in there.

Also, if it were made for that, you'd kind of wonder how it's never appeared anywhere, especially not on TH. It sounds like the closing credits of an early 80s movie or something, it's right on the mood board for a few things they've done but this is the first we're hearing of it.

So I think it really is just a thing they found somewhere. I'd love to be wrong though, I love the sound of it.

I wonder if that video made them feel like they had to work to get rid of that particular quirk in their 'sound?' Perhaps this 'jam' is an example of something where the tropes were not allowed?

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funnnnpng wrote:I believe that that "fretless bass" track is either
a) a very rare prog rock interlude (you can hear a bongo fill right before the track actually starts)
b) some library music that the brothers remixed. theres that little percussion sound that comes in that doesn't sound like anything a lot of 70s-80s musicians would ever do. sounds like the bros. they've done this before with sir prancelot brainfire (i think the "soon the queen will come our way" track is also a weird piece of old library music with a synth added over it by boc) , so it could very well be the case that it's just a remix of a piano track.

I've been looking for this track for a while, the only lead i had was "vytas brenner 70s obscure 45 demo unreleased" or something that someone commented under the unknown track but that led me nowhere. I DID find a very obscure vytas brenner 45 he did with another person but there's no rips of it available online and since most if not all the rips on SxT are taken directly from youtube i assume they sourced it from there as well.

i still think it's a rare library track or maybe something from a b-movie soundtrack.
also you can hear vinyl crackling for the entire duration of the track and a specific sound, like when you hit the turntable and you hear the "bump" from the speakers at 1:07 and 1:17 on this clip

the weird thing for me is the drums. like is a very 70s sounding track but that drum machine is something from the 80s.

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The 1:52:00 song from SxT reminds me a lot of the Cosecha jingle (the one in the TH ARG vinyls, the same at the end of New Seeds).
The brothers said that they often use ideas from the past re-arranged so everything can be possible.

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Speaking of Societas X. Any ham radio enthousiast tried decoding the little radio stuff at the beginning? It might just sound like samples of random radio signals but it still would be easy for them to create them and so in turn we must assume that they have.
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Echelon wrote:I'm curious. Would any of you be disappointed if we got a Hell Interface album instead of a BOC album after all these years?

Yes and no. I feel releasing it now would be slightly disappointing, but if they were to drop a new Boards record and follow it up with a HI record within a year or two, I'd be totally cool with that. [/selfish]

mthrndr wrote:I still think the two best candidates on the x tape for full unknown BoC tracks are the ones at 7:09 ( and 1:52:00 (

The one at 7:09 has been haunting me since the initial broadcast. BoC or not, it's an amazing track and I'd very much like a full version!

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Echelon wrote:I'm curious. Would any of you be disappointed if we got a Hell Interface album instead of a BOC album after all these years?

Definitely not. I'd be really excited for it, especially as we've never heard any more than a handful of Hell Interface tracks, and I actually think this would be a great move on their part.

TH and the build up to it was so perfectly executed that I'm struggling to imagine how the next BOC album and campaign could top it - doing a similar ARG would feel a bit predictable and dropping an album out of nowhere with no build up might feel a bit of a step down after what came before. (Though of course I'm not gonna complain if they release an album tomorrow!)

Their next release being a Hell Interface album/EP/whatever seems a perfect way to burst the bubble of hype that's inevitably built up over the last eight years, give fans something to enjoy and wipe the slate clean for the next full BOC release.

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Whoever made that fretless bass track, I am starting to think that it is much more recent than people claim it could be.

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Moz wrote:Whoever made that fretless bass track, I am starting to think that it is much more recent than people claim it could be.

Sounds late 70s early 80s to me. German or UK maybe.

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rubicon wrote:
Echelon wrote:I'm curious. Would any of you be disappointed if we got a Hell Interface album instead of a BOC album after all these years?

Definitely not. I'd be really excited for it, especially as we've never heard any more than a handful of Hell Interface tracks, and I actually think this would be a great move on their part.

TH and the build up to it was so perfectly executed that I'm struggling to imagine how the next BOC album and campaign could top it - doing a similar ARG would feel a bit predictable and dropping an album out of nowhere with no build up might feel a bit of a step down after what came before. (Though of course I'm not gonna complain if they release an album tomorrow!)

Their next release being a Hell Interface album/EP/whatever seems a perfect way to burst the bubble of hype that's inevitably built up over the last eight years, give fans something to enjoy and wipe the slate clean for the next full BOC release.

I'll do you one better. 2 albums on the same day. one Hell Interface the other Boards of Canada :mrgreen:
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outhudd wrote:
Moz wrote:Whoever made that fretless bass track, I am starting to think that it is much more recent than people claim it could be.

Sounds late 70s early 80s to me. German or UK maybe.

These tracks are similar and seem to fit in with the Societas x Tape vibe. Still no closer to the actual artist. I feel like it must be something on bruton\april orchestra\enter some obscure library tape label here.

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TheStatPow wrote:I'll do you one better. 2 albums on the same day. one Hell Interface the other Boards of Canada :mrgreen:

Wouldn't say no to that!


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