I have some renewed hope and enthusiasm for the bocset.
After reading through all of mdg's statements on bocpages, over and over again he states that the Bocset is happening, and that BoC are perfectionists.
For starters, think about how much music there would be to go through, especially if mdg's word is to be trusted when he says that there's hundreds of b-sides per album (I know he doesn't mean full on songs and the vast majority of them would just be like 10 second riff ideas but the point still stands).
He also said that they were cleaning them up. Well no fucking wonder it's taking them so long... Them being the perfectionists that they are, sifting through hundreds of audio files, sorting them, cleaning them up and probably restructuring them, and then mastering them... That's going to take some time. Then you add to that BoC Time (see: Valve Time) and them reducing their time in the studio (due to having a life most likely). Honestly I think the bocset not being out yet is perfectly reasonable.
mdg said multiple times that they were working on the bocset, then he switched to saying they were working on a new album (which turned out to be Tomorrow's Harvest) and that the bocset would be after the new album.
There's been no announcement or hint of what's next because they've already given it to us.
And with warp doing boxsets and reissues lately, the planets may be actually aligning so quite possibly rev up your wallets.
Heard from the Horizon Radar