Negamuse wrote:Ehhh... I have a vague feeling about BoC, Warp and the music BIZ but can't really put it into simple words that mean exactly what I want to say. But I'm starting to think that they're no longer good stewards of a band like BoC, basically. They had them on roster when they were really, REALLY cool, and that made THEM look cool, and in this day and age, who is even into BoC? It's not the cool kids they're desperately trying to market to.
I don't think they ever phoned the band and said, like, "hey boys, gonna need an EP this year at least". Don't get me wrong. But these days, it feels like if they give a damn about BoC at all it's as a little bauble in the bank to say "look, we bought into these guys way back. Don't ask about new material, look at their stuff we put out in the glory days". They're like a reciept of cool that transfers agreed-upon value back to them, they almost don't NEED them to make anything now, who are they going to market it to? Who's their target demographic as a label? Honestly, now, is it us?
Just put out reissues and ride the cachet of what they got out of them way back when. Keep them on the roster while their value goes to the moon, like a Bored Ape of Canada.
If Warp were simply milking BOC, BOC could easily leave and never return. Either move to another label or implode like Daft Punk. I think that BOC are simply taking a very long time to make their next move and Warp are forced to release a lot of shit in the meantime to cover it. If anything Warp respect BOC too much.
If BOC simply existed nowadays to be pimped by their label, they would fold. After all they've told us they have artistic integrity and I will believe it for the time being