Echelon wrote:I Feel Good was actually posted on this date!
Today was the date that essentially led us to Sheol Boundary. Gotta love dead ends

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Echelon wrote:I Feel Good was actually posted on this date!
Echelon wrote:Davism wrote:For Pete's sake, the pioneer plaque and the "I feel good" video seem so long ago.
The I Feel Good was actually posted on this date! Perhaps they're waiting for the 50th anniversary of the Pioneers, the 25th of Music and the 10th of Harvest to coallign but I'll stop with the theories because they've gotten on some nerves.
Davism wrote:Echelon wrote:Davism wrote:For Pete's sake, the pioneer plaque and the "I feel good" video seem so long ago.
The I Feel Good was actually posted on this date! Perhaps they're waiting for the 50th anniversary of the Pioneers, the 25th of Music and the 10th of Harvest to coallign but I'll stop with the theories because they've gotten on some nerves.
No, don't stop.
Also, looking back, the I Feel Good video was so freaking perfect.
Julian Candy wrote:Phasen wrote:alright...well- how many of you watch adult swim regularly? They always are playing bits of Warp Records music (mostly Bibio and FlyLo) over their little 'vignette' pieces that end commercials.
I have been noticing for a while now that owls are repetitive in the newer pieces. Remember on the BoC myspace when owls were freaking everywhere in the top friends, etc? The same fucking owls are on a lot of the new adult swim ads. Also, they just launched a new feedback site called '' or something.....BOARDS.
OWLS (Some hidden, look for them):
you get the point. I checked the BoC myspace and now only one of the friends has an owl photo...but yeh. they used to be all 8 owls and i recall some discussion on Twoism about it. Just a random coincidence probably, but interesting for you more hopeful BoCcers, so I thought I'd share.
(NOTE: I don't expect it to mean anything, just sharing cause I thought some might. Don't tear me to pieces).
I think a better example would be [as]'s Do Not Stray bump, even though it's old, it plays Sherbet Head and has an owl in it. FYI: I don't believe the third one is a real one.
We're so desperate for news that were looking at [as] bumps for clues
Echelon wrote:Want to know something bizarre?
Start at page one of this thread and you'll see that everything that happens now in this thread happened before TH in 2010. There's posts on numerology and random date predictions, people talking about the end of the world and how it relates to the new BOC album, talk about a new banner that sheds possible light on the next direction, false leads and dead ends like the black box and large empty spaces where absolutely nothing happens and people go off topic occasionally.
It's a bit odd how the past is indeed inside the present. No doubt BOC will release something out of the blue after a long period of waiting. Only difference is it's taking a bit longer than last time
I speculate that the new BoC will be out in 2013.
Which sucks seeing as the second Korean War has just begun, and WikiLeaks has spawned WWIII. A global diplomatic crisis could have at least waited until AFTER the new BoC was inconsiderate.
From January 12th 2011.Numerator wrote:rick7487 wrote:My Resent Speculation:
The Album is called New Clear Dawn
The Cover is white (like the sun)
The Music sounds like Seven Forty Seven and the Good Friday Remix.
The Themes are the Apocalypse, Illuminates/Government Conspiracies, Pollution, War, and the resurrection of Jesus.
Also, unlike their previous albums which are about the past, this album is about the future (probably seen from the past)
And as a Bonus: They go on a Worldwide Tour with Bibio.
the world is sad enough without having BoC remind me about it...I want BoC to be escapist music
Sherbet Head wrote:What are the odds of a new BoC release dropping between now and the 10th anniversary of TH?
Orbited insanitarium wrote:Sherbet Head wrote:What are the odds of a new BoC release dropping between now and the 10th anniversary of TH?
I'd like to think the odds are stacked high, in just under a months time Stargate.zine will publish issue 3, which we're hoping is the start of a promotion campaign for either LP5 or the 'bocset' via a new interview.
I'll keep a doubtful mindset, but I'm certainly feeling optimistic on this one.
Orbited insanitarium wrote:I made some niche memes a few months ago like it was still Hip N' Trendy to do so.
Remulo wrote:Yeah, I read the issue 2, and enjoyed its content. There are three possibilities:
1. it will be a feature about the duo's music itself and their influence;
2. it will be about the visual content from their albums or
3. the best but sadly less likely possibility, an interview with them
Sherbet Head wrote:What are the odds of a new BoC release dropping between now and the 10th anniversary of TH?
Obviously we have literally no idea where they're at, but based on the current pressing plant situation, it'd likely have to be submitted for mass production pretty damn soon to beat TH10's date.
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