Fredd-E wrote:YouTube livestream profile picture of Timothy Wyld:
= the same as on Timothy Wyld's BandCamp page: ... 5146540032
Then why did Tim Wyld (no pfp) say...
Tim Wyld on the livestream wrote: Hell O twoISM users.... 666 am I right ?
To which hexagonFox replied...
hexagonFox wrote:Orbited insanitarium wrote:Tim Wyld on the livestream wrote: Hell O twoISM users.... 666 am I right ?
666 back atcha! fellow twoism user!
LOL I've been exposed, oh well... make sure to smash like. one of these days ill release new music
I honestly thought back then that Tim Wyld (no pfp) was hexagonFox from that above reply.
If indeed Timothy Wyld (pfp) IS hexagonFox and his tweet was liked by BoC.
Then who is Tim Wyld (no pfp) who was on the livestream?! An impersonator?