You're not wrong, but as profound as that sounds I don't think it's actually a particularly new thing. It would actually be a really wierd thing if society wasn't undergoing huge changes, change is constantly happening and that change has always felt huge to the people experiencing it. The times in history that didn't have huge changes are just the times where we've forgotten what the changes were, or they were never recorded. Or recorded and then lost.
Same with language, language is created by humans to codify the ideas and concepts and categories we see and what sticks is all the language that confers useful information, the language we collectively agree to use. When we learn language we learn concepts and that forms the ideas in our minds. It's a process of feedback, but it's all based on reinterpreting and modelling the world as it's seen by people with their own minds and tastes and it has always, always been susceptible to influence by people in positions of power.
Terence McKenna was astute in some ways but in others he was repeating what other people had been saying for centuries, and he spent way too long looking for essential truth in purely internal avenues through psychedelics and trying to manifest them into universally meaningful concepts. It's telling that when it came to this language failed him... did we really learn anything more about the world because of what he wrote about those trips?
I agree though, that when power structures fail us in how they let us imagine and react to concepts its up to us to form the language to describe them and if that lets us communicate more healthily than just absorbing misery from the diet of the worst things in the world and find hope then that is not just useful but necessary. BoC aren't much for using words but they do it with sounds and textures... I'd love to see if they can conjure something hopeful.
Sorry this post got away from me a bit, I was bored today and I went through a McKenna phase