Jango9 wrote:If you ask me Wall Of Voodoo lost their magic as soon as Stan and Joe left, they were the real heart and soul of the band lmao. At this point even on the off chance that Stan's interested in a reunion it wouldn't be the same since Joe and Marc are both dead. Oh well, at least my copies of Dark Continent and Call Of The West are still there for me to go back to regularly!
(also Stan's solo stuff is pretty good, I've got a couple albums of his and quite enjoy them [especially "Partyball"])
Forgive me for going off topic, but when am I ever going to find someone to talk Voodoo with.
I think WoV could have survived as a new iteration of the band after they left but their label really wasn't too invested in them. The band got Ian Broudie for Sammystown but for the next the label just said "fuck it, bring in Mazda again, that worked, right?". After that, the label put out a live album to "spark interest", but that didn't do much either. Songs like Wrong Way to Hollywood, Museums, Living In the Red, and Blackboard Sky still showed promise IMO.
Are Sammystown and Happy Planet the inferior albums? Yeah, honestly, but I think WoV could have gotten away without Stans vocals, but sure as hell not without Marc's signature guitar work. If you've never heard it, I highly recommend checking out the album "Plan 9 From Las Vegas" by Department of Crooks, which was a short-lived band with Marc in the 90s and I think you'll hear what I'm talking about, Andy even provided some piano for that one too.