I have a more warp-centric hope that ae, afx, and boc release albums this year.
Of course there's many more bands I'd love to hear from, but I became fans of afx
just after he released collapse, and i became a fan of autechre
becuase of the release of SIGN/PLUS so I've never really witnessed a real release from any of them (aside from Treat Em Right but I want an album).
All I want is to see just one more. One more from each of them and then they can retire if they want
I don't know how many albums their contracts to warp say they have to make but my books say one more each.
Sean Autechre said in his AMA that they weren't even thinking about an album right now and I really hope they change their perspective on that. I never suspected they'd have a release this year but I've been banking on next year for a few reasons. Now I'm not so sure... (To be fair a big part of that was the vinyl backlog, so if that were to clear up they might be more inclined.)
Rich is a wild card. It's not even worth discussing when or what he might do next because it'll be wrong. He still makes music, we know that, but whether he plans to release any of it is another story...
Then of course we circle (epic boc reference) back to BoC... Today is the day.