Holy stromboli, I thought I was the only one around here who knew about that game! There's something strangely compelling about it in spite of how it completely and utterly fails in just about every aspect of game design. Or maybe it's directly because of thatrodox_head wrote:Given that we're dealing with two obscure dudes from across the pond that have a penchant for sampling, I think we're looking at a "Limboards of the Canadost".

In any case, at least the new BoC album still hasn't taken as long to finish as Limbo Of The Lost did yet!
The Crappy Games Wiki wrote:The game had been under development for 13 years (since 1994 to 2007). Due to this, most of various elements and gameplay mechanics were horribly aged at the release. (source)
Also the main character even looks a bit like one of the BoC brothers if you squint hard enough lmao
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