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Echelon wrote:
luminousdusk wrote:It has been stated by mdg that the boys don't bother with the Internet, Just people representing them from warp.

For instance the MySpace page they had wasn't them, it was taken over by warp instead of being shut down.

I doubt even their twitters are ran by the boys, warp probably has it in the contract that they (warp) will handle all social media themselves.

Honestly.. I feel like even though the boys signed up for it.. Warp have really bastardized thir image, from being reclusive.. Internet avoiding guys initially, to being commercialised to fuck.

Remember back in the day seeing that 'the Internet is evil - wake up' gif and think whoa.. Yeah these guys are really wise and insightful.. You had to physically write to them, you had to actually go to the record shops to find geogaddi and represses.. Next thing you know music70 and boardsofcanada sites are all redirected to warp or bleep to buy merch, totally destroying their vibe they created :(

Do you think that Warp commercialized them by making them do internet troll stuff?

I'm really confused by all of it honestly. On one hand, you know that they (or Warp) are aware that people will follow them down rabbit holes like these, but one the other hand, what's the endgame?

I too want to know where this is heading. Hopefully to actual music ;)

No mate I don't think any of the trolling had anything to do with the brothers themselves at all, I think it's all been done by their warp social media peeps.

For me I became disappointed at the time that their old homegrown/minimalist website disappeared and instead the url was redirected to bleep or warp (can't remember which I don't visit those sites) and then all the merch started appearing and just seemed like the whole thing instead of being about mystery and discovery just turned into a cash grab. After so many years reading interviews about them being reclusive and having as little to do with the Internet as possible to having more social media accounts than the average person seems rediculous imo.

Honestly I think the brothers at their age.. Must be at least in their early 50s or late 40s and very mature and university educated with families etc wouldnt be spending time making weird YouTube channels linking to Justin beiber videos.. At least I hope not.. I think they would rather us fans be listening to music, appreciating nature and being outdoors etc instead of spending all our time seeking clues to things in YouTube videos..which at the end of the day went nowhere as we can see.

No, I think someone at warp, maybe a few people who run their social media started having a it too much fun watching us fans go into a frenzied delerium at even so much as a single comment on a YouTube video, I think they went unchecked for too long and it was found out about and someone higher at warp put an end to it.. Cause let's face it it was all a bit pointless and as I said it went literally nowhere in the end.. Anyway that's just my opinion, everyone is entitled to their own and I respect everyone else's opinions, and I'm happy to be proven wrong. It's just fun and games and music at the end of the day!

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luminousdusk wrote:
Echelon wrote:
luminousdusk wrote:It has been stated by mdg that the boys don't bother with the Internet, Just people representing them from warp.

For instance the MySpace page they had wasn't them, it was taken over by warp instead of being shut down.

I doubt even their twitters are ran by the boys, warp probably has it in the contract that they (warp) will handle all social media themselves.

Honestly.. I feel like even though the boys signed up for it.. Warp have really bastardized thir image, from being reclusive.. Internet avoiding guys initially, to being commercialised to fuck.

Remember back in the day seeing that 'the Internet is evil - wake up' gif and think whoa.. Yeah these guys are really wise and insightful.. You had to physically write to them, you had to actually go to the record shops to find geogaddi and represses.. Next thing you know music70 and boardsofcanada sites are all redirected to warp or bleep to buy merch, totally destroying their vibe they created :(

Do you think that Warp commercialized them by making them do internet troll stuff?

I'm really confused by all of it honestly. On one hand, you know that they (or Warp) are aware that people will follow them down rabbit holes like these, but one the other hand, what's the endgame?

I too want to know where this is heading. Hopefully to actual music ;)

No mate I don't think any of the trolling had anything to do with the brothers themselves at all, I think it's all been done by their warp social media peeps.

For me I became disappointed at the time that their old homegrown/minimalist website disappeared and instead the url was redirected to bleep or warp (can't remember which I don't visit those sites) and then all the merch started appearing and just seemed like the whole thing instead of being about mystery and discovery just turned into a cash grab. After so many years reading interviews about them being reclusive and having as little to do with the Internet as possible to having more social media accounts than the average person seems rediculous imo.

Honestly I think the brothers at their age.. Must be at least in their early 50s or late 40s and very mature and university educated with families etc wouldnt be spending time making weird YouTube channels linking to Justin beiber videos.. At least I hope not.. I think they would rather us fans be listening to music, appreciating nature and being outdoors etc instead of spending all our time seeking clues to things in YouTube videos..which at the end of the day went nowhere as we can see.

No, I think someone at warp, maybe a few people who run their social media started having a it too much fun watching us fans go into a frenzied delerium at even so much as a single comment on a YouTube video, I think they went unchecked for too long and it was found out about and someone higher at warp put an end to it.. Cause let's face it it was all a bit pointless and as I said it went literally nowhere in the end.. Anyway that's just my opinion, everyone is entitled to their own and I respect everyone else's opinions, and I'm happy to be proven wrong. It's just fun and games and music at the end of the day!

I think you've got some good points here since some of this is a bit silly. But do you think Warp really would be that unprofessional? They seem like one of the most artistically credible labels in this day and age. They are definitely into selling BOC merch and whatnot, but would they stoop to creating online hoaxes on behalf of BOC? Kind of makes BOC and them look bad if this is simply trolling.

Either way, this is certainly an odd step after the ace marketing of Cosecha Transmissiones.

I'm here for the ride, but I pray they actually announce something rather than post silly videos. :D
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No I don't think warp as a whole would stoop to trolling personally, as you say they are a very credible label.

I know that it's very common for large companies to have dedicated social media teams or simple individuals that run the social media side of things and I don't think it's impossible for someone to have gone a bit far, being left to their own devices and unchecked for some time may have gone a bit far and overstepped the bounds of their post.

These things do happen, often large companies put out controversial or un-PC statements on social media only for them to withdrawn soon after and apologies being issued etc

I'm 100% certain the brothers have asked warp to put up the pioneer plaque though and I think the pioneer dates thing is relavent

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Or perhaps you are both informants, perhaps this is discordianism at its finest


Or perhaps this is "just an illusion in all this confusion"

All the best

Hexagon Fox

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hexagonFox wrote:Or perhaps you are both informants, perhaps this is discordianism at its finest


Or perhaps this is "just an illusion in all this confusion"

All the best

Hexagon Fox


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Super weird. I woke up at 4am and was randomly thinking about the moment he figures out Walter is Heisenberg. Then I figured I would check out twoism, only to find that exact moment posted. Uhh

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Maybe they are deleting all the posts and comments because they have changed their mind and are not going to release anything after all

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Navaru wrote:Super weird. I woke up at 4am and was randomly thinking about the moment he figures out Walter is Heisenberg. Then I figured I would check out twoism, only to find that exact moment posted. Uhh

Telepath. :wink:

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Navaru wrote:Super weird. I woke up at 4am and was randomly thinking about the moment he figures out Walter is Heisenberg. Then I figured I would check out twoism, only to find that exact moment posted. Uhh

It's a double coincidence - I just watched that episode yesterday.

..and it's not like I watch Breaking Bad every day. This was the 2nd time I've seen that episode.

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Future news on repeat daily

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That moment when BoC fans realise that everything can in some way be connected to anything, and that coincidences happen much more often than you'd think.

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demo wrote:That moment when BoC fans realise that everything can in some way be connected to anything, and that coincidences happen much more often than you'd think.
Are you telling me you don't see the connection between government and laughing at people?
In here is a tragedy, art thou player or audience?
Be as it may, the end doth remain:
all go on only toward death.
There is nothing which cannot become a puppet of fate
or an onlooker, peering into the cage.

Rodox Head

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demo wrote:That moment when BoC fans realise that everything can in some way be connected to anything, and that coincidences happen much more often than you'd think.

It would be a missed opportunity not to quote the Iwakura on this:

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Orbited insanitarium wrote:
demo wrote:That moment when BoC fans realise that everything can in some way be connected to anything, and that coincidences happen much more often than you'd think.

It would be a missed opportunity not to quote the Iwakura on this:

We are all one!
And yet one is all.

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Burning Shadow wrote:Maybe they are deleting all the posts and comments because they have changed their mind and are not going to release anything after all

They're most active on Twitter. They didn't remove any like they've given to posts asking about whether there will be new music from them. Here's a collection: ... 1662794752

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Burning Shadow wrote:Maybe they are deleting all the posts and comments because they have changed their mind and are not going to release anything after all

You can’t delete something that is not real

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luminousdusk wrote:No I don't think warp as a whole would stoop to trolling personally, as you say they are a very credible label.

I know that it's very common for large companies to have dedicated social media teams or simple individuals that run the social media side of things and I don't think it's impossible for someone to have gone a bit far, being left to their own devices and unchecked for some time may have gone a bit far and overstepped the bounds of their post.

These things do happen, often large companies put out controversial or un-PC statements on social media only for them to withdrawn soon after and apologies being issued etc

I'm 100% certain the brothers have asked warp to put up the pioneer plaque though and I think the pioneer dates thing is relavent

I think the Bieber thing might be a step too far, but I do think they have a sense of humor that is a bit offbeat and satanic. I could fully believe that I Feel Good, Whitney Houston and Uuh were them based on the kind of humor on their records and interviews.

But I dunno. I think the boys are very protective of their legacy and personal information. Clearly they would have very trusted people running their accounts if not them.

My ultimate question though is I wonder how long they're gonna keep this social media charade going. But hey, at least it keeps us going :)
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hexagonFox wrote:Image

Nope, nothing happened.
I'm convinced that whatever is happening, our answers are not within "dates". BoC are far beyond playing any kind of number game, whatever they are doing here is more chaotic.

I think it's safe to no longer rely on dates and numbers for any of this.

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demo wrote:
hexagonFox wrote:Image

Nope, nothing happened.
I'm convinced that whatever is happening, our answers are not within "dates". BoC are far beyond playing any kind of number game, whatever they are doing here is more chaotic.

I think it's safe to no longer rely on dates and numbers for any of this.

You need to be a B(oc)elieber Demo

Hades B(oc)ieber says : " If you look through the timeline you will see activity on or around most pioneer dates. you will also notice if there is movement it happens a day after or before."

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The more I think about it.. The absurdity of Bieber in North Korea gets more and more Hell Interfacey


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