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They only seem to be concerned with kite races at the moment.

By the way to anyone interested in the sport I wholly recommend the Flysurfer Sonic FR V2 kite

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Magrathea wrote:
Echelon wrote:I do honestly believe that Warp/mainstream music outlets like Pitchfork are gonna pull the big 10 years of Harvest thing. There's even a whole retrospective we can write on how the world has changed since the "prediction" made by Harvest and how BOC allowed us to fill in the blanks on what they meant by it.

Nah, because no one in the business does big dates like that anymore, to Warp/mainstream BoC is just a slow producing cashcow now.

Perhaps they are waiting for US, the devoted, diehard fans, to write all about it and that will trigger something.

Or not, probably not.

What are the bookkeepers saying about a boc release in the 21st century?

There were quite a few Geogaddi 20th anniversary articles from sites like Stereogum so I think some people do care about those dates.

Though I fully agree. BOC aren't beholden to any anniversary dates or anything like that. The only thing I'd argue for is that we're probably getting a spring release or a fall release when it finally comes because that's when Warp put out the blockbusters :)

Fingers crossed that this spring is the finally the season :)
Warning: This numerology post is not to be taken 2 seriously.

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Gonna start this year off with some classic BoCtimism.

I am confident in this year being the one, although everyone seems to share the same sentiment that we all futilely say that every year... For the first time in a long time, however, we're heading into a really promising year.

MDG's literal, public confirmation of a new album being on its way was posted at a time when no more albums could realistically be slated to release before the end of the year. That's most likely when Warp and BoC gave LP5 a date and slotted it in the release schedule, which couldn't be earlier than 2023. That would be when they felt they could finally give concrete info to us fans, and that's probably why they immediately stopped liking "new album plz" tweets. They didn't need to anymore.

The April, 2021 deep-fake was when I think they laid the last note and delivered the album via a password protected laptop briefcase handcuffed to a middleman, protected by armed guards to Warp HQ. Perfectionism and BoC-time (and Covid slowing the entire world down) then tell us that, fifteen months later, Warp and BoC finally finished designing the marketing material and strategy, and also picked a release date and CAT number. Then comes the burner phone used to dial MDG and rely the short message of "tell the fans." (The phone was subsequently snapped in half and each half thrown away in different public dumpsters 15 miles from Hexagon Sun.)

(Sorry, I got a bit carried away there...)

Anyways, the simple phrasing of "on its way", to me, is so much more confirming than I think people realize. Previously all we've had to base our hope off of are "sit tight...", "give it a bit longer", or vague twitter likes. These things only hinted to us that they were working, which the bros said themselves nine years ago. MDG, the band's direct Twoism mouthpiece, told a fan directly that a new album is on its way... The first "public" message from him in roughly seven years.

TL;DR boccy plox
Heard from the Horizon Radar

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It is the start of a whole new year so alright meme gang? Penny for your plox?
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I've basically got nothing to add to the conversation surrounding BoC at the moment, now that we are in the golden year, it's just waiting for next movement. I'd also like to add that at this point, "social media likes, retweets and comments" are basically off the cards for me now, I don't find them exciting anymore. If BoC want our attention they will give us a clue with substance.

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I still think they'll just drop the album artwork with the date, total antithesis to Tomorrow's Harvest.

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Orbited insanitarium wrote:Image


I я theen KEen
In here is a tragedy, art thou player or audience?
Be as it may, the end doth remain:
all go on only toward death.
There is nothing which cannot become a puppet of fate
or an onlooker, peering into the cage.

Rodox Head

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Something by Jerry Jackson would be suitable about now.
Molest me not with this pocket calculator stuff.

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rodox_head wrote:
Orbited insanitarium wrote:Image


From the mythologically savvy chaps who brought you ITC Bauhaus. Eris was there all a prong... *ahem* ...along! :P

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What ever happened with the boc set? I have a very hazy memory of MDG replying to someone asking weather or not some of the unreleased albums would be included in the boc set and confirming that some material would indeed be included in it. I think the thread was made a decade ago at the least if not more.
this thread is full of shenanigans.

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Who cares about a boxset really? It's the kiss of death for artists. Just means they have nothing of worth left to give anymore so they just give every completist more reason to part with their money. Although I can't wait for this years version of Fleetwood Mac's best!

Honestly, i'm not even sure why I still pop in here every now and again, it's very tedious now. It's time to just sit back and forget about it all and maybe one day they'll be a surprise on the HMV shelf.
You could feel the bullshit

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As much as I'd like to hear the early albums, I think I would miss the mystery of it all. I enjoy imagining would it all could sound like and I don't want that to be ruined really. With that said, I'm obviously going to listen to it if they release it! I fear however I may be disappointed

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Deny them the listen, you take control. Boccy Plox Hardcore Mode

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Geogandhi wrote:Who cares about a boxset really? It's the kiss of death for artists. Just means they have nothing of worth left to give anymore so they just give every completist more reason to part with their money.

Depends on your definition of box set really. What about a "simple" 2LP of about 16 cherry-picked (unheard yet) songs from their early days? This could easily co-exist with a contemporary EP and/or LP5.

I never expected the "box set" to be something similar to Aphex Twin's massive Analord bundle.

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Biznasty wrote:Gonna start this year off with some classic BoCtimism.

I am confident in this year being the one, although everyone seems to share the same sentiment that we all futilely say that every year... For the first time in a long time, however, we're heading into a really promising year.

MDG's literal, public confirmation of a new album being on its way was posted at a time when no more albums could realistically be slated to release before the end of the year. That's most likely when Warp and BoC gave LP5 a date and slotted it in the release schedule, which couldn't be earlier than 2023. That would be when they felt they could finally give concrete info to us fans, and that's probably why they immediately stopped liking "new album plz" tweets. They didn't need to anymore.

The April, 2021 deep-fake was when I think they laid the last note and delivered the album via a password protected laptop briefcase handcuffed to a middleman, protected by armed guards to Warp HQ. Perfectionism and BoC-time (and Covid slowing the entire world down) then tell us that, fifteen months later, Warp and BoC finally finished designing the marketing material and strategy, and also picked a release date and CAT number. Then comes the burner phone used to dial MDG and rely the short message of "tell the fans." (The phone was subsequently snapped in half and each half thrown away in different public dumpsters 15 miles from Hexagon Sun.)

(Sorry, I got a bit carried away there...)

Anyways, the simple phrasing of "on its way", to me, is so much more confirming than I think people realize. Previously all we've had to base our hope off of are "sit tight...", "give it a bit longer", or vague twitter likes. These things only hinted to us that they were working, which the bros said themselves nine years ago. MDG, the band's direct Twoism mouthpiece, told a fan directly that a new album is on its way... The first "public" message from him in roughly seven years.

TL;DR boccy plox

What a well stated, level headed take, Biz.

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I for one would love a BOCset. They are sitting on such a huge mountain of unreleased material. A triple album of hand picked classics remastered would be absolute gold imo. My guess is still a new album followed by the BOCset shortly after.

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I think we will get an EP and then an LP shortly thereafter

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Geogandhi wrote:Who cares about a boxset really?

I will venture into unpopular areas again.

Drum beaters for the bocset are trying to (re)capture some idealized fantasy of pre-published BOC stuff which for some reasons be it emotional, nostalgic, drug-induced, etc. seems to be idolized to extremes. The reality however is always more sobering and the principle of parsimony dictates that most likely all that predates what we currently have is:

1) Unworthy, did we not read some place the words ambient and unremarkable within a few words of one another?
2) So primitive that the ashamed brothers used threat and resorted to physical violence to prevent it to be published (aka Star Wars Christmas Special syndrome ref:see [url=OMG-THE-SW-XMAS-SPECIAL.DELETE-IT-ALL.disney]George Lucas[/url])
3) No one, no friends, no family, no friend of a friend, no "I swear my dog ran away with it" so that any surfaced? It's hard to keep a secret between two people, and we would have to swallow that tens of people are somewhat mum? hmmm...
4) Does not exist and is a mythos that was cleverly leaked in snippets here and there along with a few graphics over time, a well oiled machine (but heh, the internet is evil!)

I hereby command the brothers to surrender the archives to a curated foundation that will look after it so that they can FINALLY focus on NEW MUSIC!

Thank you

(yes, it's all a bit of funny, I am sick at home and bored to death)
Molest me not with this pocket calculator stuff.

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Flory wrote:What ever happened with the boc set? I have a very hazy memory of MDG replying to someone asking weather or not some of the unreleased albums would be included in the boc set and confirming that some material would indeed be included in it. I think the thread was made a decade ago at the least if not more.
Have you looked over here?

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i know we're all waiting for boccy plox, but can richard please release this masterpiece?!

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