Strange Soup/The Thrift Store Tape Discussion

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The music hearkens back to a different time. A time long gone but you still carry it with you. A bit of nostalgia and memories and long lost feelings that suddenly return and your young again. It's almost Spring. Another Genesis has begun.
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after some digging on the video, It sounds like it was found on a discord server, and the source of the tapes was in the us of a, original video/desc says they doubt it could be boc. after listening to it i dont think its them, just sounds like some dope tunes honestly. still cool though!

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Congratulations to everyone involved in cracking this latest ARG. Pardon me for being a bit behind but where did the tumblr and soundcloud links come from? The QR code in the flickr image? And also Sure Fred In? The voice from the STACK videos?

How feasible is it that these recordings could have been made using AI? The Random Tunes artwork looks like an AI take on MHTRTC.

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Would sure love to know the software that mimic's BoC music. Sure, you can most certainly recreate images with Mid Journey and Dalle-2, but what software would one use that is the equivalent for music creation. Perhaps this individual has talent as well?

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The artwork could definitely be AI generated, but I doubt very much the music was.

Again, what is the most feasible explanation: BOC generously presented their fanbase with an amazing series of mixes that gives us all their early recordings and all tied up in a cute ARG with great visuals.

Or, someone spent hundreds of hours creating deconstructed versions of BOCs tunes, and also wrote a load of original music to approximate the style hinted at by BOC in interviews. Just so they could enjoy the kudos of saying “haha, you thought this was BOC? I fooled you”.
If it was someone trying to launch their own career, this would be a disastrous way to do it. Despite all the exposure.

So far all that’s been debunked is that the original VHS was not likely to have been actually found in the wild at all

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Now what the hell does that partial track list mean? Any one?

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I believe it's a different artist from the previous ARGs.

So many questions, very few answers, but the music is good, this is what most matter to me, although I didn't understand why repeat several songs that we've heard before.


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Well looks like that list is not partial anymore since randomposter69 has posted new screen captures of what looks like the backcover of the album.

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This is an interesting development.

I think this is BoC.

It all sounds like early work. It fits like a glove.

How gorgeous are those keyboards?

Also, if it's early work, then christ. would be involved. Who knows, maybe he is behind all of this.
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phpBB [media]

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Thanks for the upload.

Okay, so here's where I come from with my thinking about all of this.
I don't care who did or didn't make the music.
It's BoC for me. If I were to interview them, I would ask about this music as if it were their own, and I would ignore them if they tried to tell me it wasn't them. TOO LATE! It's already part of the discography in my mind.

If nobody knows who it is, then I say we attribute it to BoC and leave it at that. We treat it as their music and refuse to budge.

I mean it like this: if we all dig this music and it sounds like it could be them, then screw it - it's them.

I know this isn't the same mindset everyone might have, but it's mine.

When I listen to this stuff I imagine it's really the brothers and their bandmates or friends, and these are the recordings they made and have finally allowed us to hear.

ElectronanldMcdonald2 (excellent name, by the way) is right. It's either them or it's an elaborate fake. The effort that would be required for the fake is astonishing, and that's enough for me to say it's BoC.

BUT...if anyone wants to enlighten me as to the source of this stuff, I'm all ears.

I want to interview the person/people behind it if it isn't BoC. I think it would be ripe material that we would all love to hear - the process of making all of this.

Anyway, that's my two cents. Or what do you call it in the UK? That's my two euros?

That's my two euros.
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Everything's about to be deleted.
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They deleted the Soundcloud, Tumblr, and Flicker account. Better rip those mp3's while you can.

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Besides the awesome tunes they may have left us with another clue.

sUre Fred in = User Finder

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Randomstranger also changed the text in about section:
The day is done, the night has come, Now it’s time for me to run.
Dreamers, chase the stars and sun.

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I am more lost than I have been the entire ARG. Thought it was over but here's a little extra that is probably just a coincidence.

The error message on the banners of each channel has certain letters capitalized in the text that stand out to me:

E S W B / 5 19 23 2


*scratches head*

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A lot of folks thought the same thing last year with the whole ARG thing and nothing happened after. we waited an entire year for this to resurface. I don't know who this artist is. I doubt it's boards but, who knows honestly. I imagine if this is a non-BoC related person, I think they'd get into legal trouble right? Logically, they never claimed even a name, nor profited from this whole thing whatsoever. MGD or whatever his name is, hasn't commented? Like I don't get it.

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I think it's natural to be sceptical, there's been somewhat of a trend of people trying to pass of their music as being BOC. I'm happy to look silly if someone other than BOC comes forward and claims the tracks, but in the meantime it's BOC for me.

Like @Eliotsworld1985 points out, they've never tried to monetise this music. It all seems to have been done with the intent to make people happy and give them something for free to enjoy.
Anyways, I'm a huge fan of whoever made all this great music. No word of a lie, I've been listening to these mixes at least 5 times a week since they dropped.

@Sky and Trails Thanks, now I'm no longer the unsung comedy genius like my mum always said I was!
In Yorkshire we might have once said "my two Penn'orths worth". We never adopted the Euro because the government here likes to tell the populace that we're better than the other Europeans. Even though most of Europe is dazzlingly awesome, and has a much better better standard of life, weird eh?!

So we've still got the numbers from the partial track list (before they released the cover on Tumblr), and the capitalisation on the 'account about to be deleted' messages... we might just be being trolled a little bit

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Electronaldmcdonald2 wrote:@Sky and Trails Thanks, now I'm no longer the unsung comedy genius like my mum always said I was!
In Yorkshire we might have once said "my two Penn'orths worth". We never adopted the Euro because the government here likes to tell the populace that we're better than the other Europeans. Even though most of Europe is dazzlingly awesome, and has a much better better standard of life, weird eh?!

Off-topic but hello fellow Yorkshire lad, mighty ey up to you!

The only time I think I have ever heard someone use the euro as a currency was funnily in an episode of The Mighty Boosh. The Hitcher wanted payed 1000 euros before he frightened Howard Moon with the threat of "eels up inside ya", in the first episode of the 3rd series. :lol:
(I speculate that Naboo's Nabootique official currency was the euro. Overdue a re-watch.)

Europe IS brilliant, the tories have been dead against Europe since Cameron's dratted brexit.

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Off-topic but hello fellow Yorkshire lad, mighty ey up to you!

Greetings to thee also! Good to see a strong Yorkshire contingency here! I'll gladly join you in an off-topic ramble!

Honestly, the colour of the Hitchers pee when it hits Howard Moons face is the stuff of nightmares.

It's a real shame about us leaving the European Onion IMHO. If there were things about it that people didn't like, they could have contributed to helping shape it for the future.

Back on topic now I promise.


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