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Sherbet Head wrote:Fingers are crossed!

Crazy to think that Dan has put out 6 albums (if you include the Safdie Bros soundtracks) since the last BoC release, and he's not even someone I'd particularly consider to be prolific. Our Scotsmen be slacking :D

Yeah, I never thought of it like that, but Lopatin has a pretty average release schedule of a new album every two years and he's been doing that on Warp since his signing in 2013.

Haha I wish the same could be said for our BOCmen but here's hoping that the gap from June to November is filled with both BOC and OPN albums!
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Fredd-E wrote:
Helios wrote:What tweets did they like?


Nice! Around the corner is the “closest” confirmation.

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I don't think we can compare OPN's output to Boc's. Both are equally valid in product, as much as any music is... but... OPN scrolling through presets on his Waldorf Microwave XT and coming up with a half decent mini idea, recording it and not progressing it any further than that, collating these half ideas and curating a collection for an album is nothing like what BoC do with their music.
No wrong in any route, just that one results in being prolific with volume and the other results in years waiting for the craft to be "just so".
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Yup. Remember when salty fans after the release of TH saying it is uninspired, has no melody, bla bla, OPN album was better and so on and so on.

Who is OPN, he's making music named, (forgot that style) vaporwave?

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OPN and BoC both use musical metatextuality, music that relies on the listener's familiarity with music that has gone before and the associations between that music and the society that made it, to make statements about today by what they then do to those old forms to break them apart and recombine them into new music.

The sources they reference, the method of transformation, the finished product and the message it contains are very different, perhaps even opposites, but the concept is the same

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Geogandhi wrote:I don't think we can compare OPN's output to Boc's. Both are equally valid in product, as much as any music is... but... OPN scrolling through presets on his Waldorf Microwave XT and coming up with a half decent mini idea, recording it and not progressing it any further than that, collating these half ideas and curating a collection for an album is nothing like what BoC do with their music.
No wrong in any route, just that one results in being prolific with volume and the other results in years waiting for the craft to be "just so".

From your comment it's obvious that you haven't even listened to any of these recent albums. This description, while a gross over simplification, could possibly apply to his early cassette releases, but the music he's been putting out from R Plus 7 onward is very rich, complex, and multilayered with help from collaborators and mixtures of digital and acoustic instrumentation. He does far more than simply "scrolling through presets" and hasn't releases anything that sounds remotely like vaporwave in over a decade. Yes, his work and BoC's are very different but that doesn't mean he puts no effort into his work.

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Yes, I was flippant about the level of input it would take Mr Lopatin to produce an OPN product as opposed to BoC producing an album but I own most of OPN's releases and like stuff on most of them so i'm not being derogatory, just saying they are worlds apart and a reason I believe OPN is more prolific than BoC.
Scrolling through presets on a microwave comment is based on how I felt about Garden of Delete when I first heard it. And yes, I own a Microwave XT to make that judgement ;)

Tell me that Garden of Delete has well crafted songs as opposed to curated ideas that with familiarity and repeat listens become cohesive and enjoyable?
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Geogandhi wrote:Yes, I was flippant about the level of input it would take Mr Lopatin to produce an OPN product as opposed to BoC producing an album but I own most of OPN's releases and like stuff on most of them so i'm not being derogatory, just saying they are worlds apart and a reason I believe OPN is more prolific than BoC.
Scrolling through presets on a microwave comment is based on how I felt about Garden of Delete when I first heard it. And yes, I own a Microwave XT to make that judgement ;)

Tell me that Garden of Delete has well crafted songs as opposed to curated ideas that with familiarity and repeat listens become cohesive and enjoyable?

I suppose we'll have to agree to disagree - this is music, after all, so it's not an objective science or politics we're talking about here - but I've listened to Garden of Delete countless times and have found something new, unique, and fascinating with every play. Tracks like Freaky Eyes and Lift in particular blow me with how much attention to detail and compositional brilliance they possess. I'm not sure what you mean by your last sentence, beyond just playing some kind of semantic game. What are songs other than a well-curated series of musical ideas bound together by an overarching structure? Isn't that ultimately how most electronic songs are written anyway?

Admittedly, I don't own the synth in question that he used for the record, but I don't see how that would take away from my enjoyment of it because he still utilizes those sounds to great effect. Many of my favorite BoC tracks are just <:59 fragments of a single synth noodling that they still manage to make sound amazing and work well within the context of their records, something that I think GoD does in spades because the atmosphere and world it creates is so unique.

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I don't think before this debate anyone was comparing OPN and BOC musically. Only their release schedule.

That's said, I'm kind of fascinated by what Arvy said that disappointed people were saying that R Plus 7 was better than Tomorrow's Harvest back in 2013. Honestly, I might have said the same thing back in the day, but TH has grown on me exponentially. It's so much easier to identify with the sadness now then it was back then.
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it's interesting that people preferred r+7 to tomorrows harvest at the time. but I guess because r+7 was a huge left turn in dans discography at the time stylistically, whereas TH just sounded like boc really at the top of their already established sound, people gravitated more towards what sounded "newer". TH has stuck with me loads more with time though. r+7 is honestly one of my least favorite 0PN albums.

thematically and aesthetically boc and opn are somewhat similar but their artistic processes are pretty much the antithesis of each other. opn paints with broader strokes, huge waves of melody and sound. boc find comfort in minimalism while still including a lot of musical substance that's just under the surface. they both reward repeated listens & use similar imagery but in terms of technicality and how they make me feel they're opposites. i love dan though. garden of delete is an absolute masterpiece. and obviously there's plenty of crossover. just some observations.
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Tim Hecker - Virgins and Forest Swords album were more memorable than r+7, for my musical taste. Anyway, what a year that was for electronic music; Jon Hopkins - Immunity, Ae - Exai, BOC - Tomorrow's Harvest, Daft Punk - RAM, The Haxan Cloak..

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There was that YAYAYI album too, which needs way more recognition from the electronic music community.
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soooo uhh ... this Dave Grusch UFO Disclosure ... it's the marketing campaign for music from the 'Brothers' yes ??? ... man-craft/
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In what world is Tri Repetae an ambient album? They could have at least picked Amber, but even that would be a questionable choice. Oxygène is also a confusing pick... SAW85-92 at least has "Ambient" in the title, but SAW Vol. 2 would make much more sense. Even Tomorrow's Harvest, I wouldn't call Ambient.

A good selection of albums, sure, but what a weird list to put them on :lol:
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It's time again for a Biznasty speculation update!

It seems, now that we're just a day away from O Monolith, that we won't be getting any BoC news prior to Squid's big day. (Side note, I caught the album livestream yesterday and it sounds great so I'm looking forward to its release too)

The only officially announced Warp release right now is kwes' Rye Lane OST, which I tried emailing Warp about in regards to the odd release date discrepancy but haven't received a response yet.

As I said in the email, for some reason Bandcamp is showing the album as releasing on July 1st, whereas Bleep, Warp's website, and every news article I could find about it agrees on November 3rd. For one thing, it's just weird that Bandcamp seems to have this error, but also that they announced this album five months prior to release. That's a huge lead time... Plenty of time for... other things to release between then and now.

Aside from Rye Lane, we still have OPN's promise of a new album coming this year. He actually reconfirmed that just a week ago. Lastly we have the new Hi Scores with the new cat number WARP367. (Weirdly similar to TH's cat number, WARP257. +1+1+0) As I said in a previous post, I have a sneaking suspicion that Warp Hi Scores might end up being part of a bigger campaign of releasing old material, but of course that's just pure hopium. At the very least, we should eventually get an announcement for a Hi Scores repressing. Why else give it a new cat number? If that's the case, we still have mdg's promise that a new album was on its way from just under a year ago. I'd suspect they'd want that to be the first big news from BoC, before a comparatively measly repress.

Warp like to announce things on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, and they don't often like to leave gaps between announcements. I think it's safe to say we can expect something (anything) soon. After tomorrow, there's effectively nothing on the docket. (No offense, kwes, but November is just really far away :lol:) Not putting too much pressure on upcoming dates, I hope, but, just to be safe, cross every finger and toe you have, people!

TL;DR boccy plox
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Im convinced something is up. Mostly in the sky. The brothers they are.. involved.
The day Nasa holds a press conference on Ufos, the brothers like 2 tweets. 5/31/23

In addition to that, many of the samples used on Sheol Boundary's Uuh video can be linked to extraterrestrial origin.

Then there is EOC..... Could it be BOC in disguise? a couple of friends of hexagonsun who like archiving and sharing these types of videos. What's actually going on here?

Than kyo ufo re adi ng

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Also Tomorrow's Harvest is now on Bleep's homepage

and they retweeted this earlier today.
Still no official acknowledgement from Warp or BoC, though.
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