It's time again for a Biznasty speculation update!
It seems, now that we're just a day away from O Monolith, that we won't be getting any BoC news prior to Squid's big day. (Side note, I caught the album livestream yesterday and it sounds great so I'm looking forward to its release too)
The only officially announced Warp release right now is kwes' Rye Lane OST, which I tried emailing Warp about in regards to the odd release date discrepancy but haven't received a response yet.

As I said in the email, for some reason Bandcamp is showing the album as releasing on July 1st, whereas Bleep, Warp's website, and every news article I could find about it agrees on November 3rd. For one thing, it's just weird that Bandcamp seems to have this error, but also that they announced this album five months prior to release. That's a huge lead time... Plenty of time for...
other things to release between then and now.
Aside from Rye Lane, we still have OPN's promise of a new album coming this year. He actually reconfirmed that just a week ago. Lastly we have the new Hi Scores with the new cat number WARP367. (Weirdly similar to TH's cat number, WARP257. +1+1+0) As I said in a previous post, I have a sneaking suspicion that Warp Hi Scores might end up being part of a bigger campaign of releasing old material, but of course that's just pure hopium. At the very least, we should eventually get an announcement for a Hi Scores repressing. Why else give it a new cat number? If that's the case, we still have mdg's promise that a new album was on its way from just under a year ago. I'd suspect they'd want that to be the first big news from BoC, before a comparatively measly repress.
Warp like to announce things on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, and they don't often like to leave gaps between announcements. I think it's safe to say we can expect
something (anything) soon. After tomorrow, there's effectively nothing on the docket. (No offense, kwes, but November is just really far away

) Not putting too much pressure on upcoming dates, I hope, but, just to be safe, cross every finger and toe you have, people!
TL;DR boccy plox