Fredd-E wrote:A lot can happen in 10 years. Consider where you were at 15 vs. where you were at 25. Sophomore year of high school vs. a couple years removed from your college graduation. Add another 10 in, and you may have children, or a spouse, or a home. In our real lives, 10 years can fit an almost baffling amount of changes, shifts, turns, pivots, upswings, and downturns. It moves slow and yet blindingly fast.
In the music world, 10 years is a lifetime. If a band goes dormant for a decade, it’s usually more than enough to believe the band won’t be coming back, at least not until we’re even farther down the wormhole of time and it becomes a “comeback” or “reunion.” But sometimes, when a band or artist takes that extended break for writing and recording, they return rejuvenated and refreshed, reminding us why we enjoyed their work in the first place and why we have missed it over the year. ÁTTA is one of those times.
source: could easily apply this quote to BoC. I hope it sheds some positive light on the long wait.
Yes, but no. See, as artists, they can do as they want and have the pace that they want, it's their thing, but Me, in life, I cannot fathom the inner mental cage of being caught in hyperperfectionist state for decades at a time (and I am a perfectionist believe Me). People say TH was 10 years ago, and they worked on that for years and years, some of the stuff likely has some germinating cells way back to Twoism in one shape or another.
The point I am trying to make is that creativity is rich and wild, the super sieved one drop a year thing is just in My view that this is a side hustle to them, a nice to have (I would kill to have a side hustle like that!), something that happens when it happens, it does not seem like close linked creativity at this point, it feels like long distance creativity requiring the cooperation of tens of different schedules, far different from in the beginning when it was just HS.
So when it comes, if it comes, does it exist, etc. All of it at this moment is just vaporware.
Or they are just crazy fans of the
Pitch Drop ExperimentAnyway, just My thoughts on this.