Ssppeeccuullaattiioonn ttiimmee iiss hheerree oonnccee mmoorree..
I'm willing to bet the MHTRTC 25th celebration was just an excuse to put their physical discography on Bandcamp, in preparation for a new album launch, as Warp know sales will go up on all their releases when they announce new material. They don't want to create hype too early, so if they were all added without explanation it would turn too many heads.
Would explain why Tomorrow's Harvest's tenth anniversary got nearly no recognition. MHTRTC 25th set the groundwork for the next announcement, and there's nothing TH10th needed to do. The next we hear from BoC, will be something much more worthy of our attention... That being said, BoC did eventually like a few tweets praising TH. There were tons of TH tweets and, but BoC liked a few that also wish for a new album. And they did this on the day that Aphex Twin started his tour and promotion for his Blackbox Life Recorder EP. I'd imagine these likes are probably just to reassure that they're still on the way...
This also pretty much explains the Hi Scores reissue, and why it's been quietly updated digitally everywhere (except bandcamp) prior to any announcement. Obviously, Warp bought the rights to Hi Scores from Skam, and in an attempt to make the transition as smooth as possible, updated the metadata on streaming services ahead of time. If Hi Scores was removed from streaming services without any explanation, way more people would notice and wonder what's going on. Same with if it was added to Bandcamp, which would automatically send a notification and make new physical versions available way too early. There's no way this is just a digital change. Frankly, they would be stupid not to do a vinyl repress. That's the only BoC release currently not in stock on vinyl. Also, they wouldn't want to take any potential wind out of the sales of a new album announcement. So, again, the next time we hear from BoC will be... the big one, and either simultaneously or quickly afterwards, a Hi Scores repress will be announced. Warp can now offer the entire BoC mainline catalog in one place, in conjunction with a brand new release.
One could also speculate that the emphasis on their past catalog could indicate the bocset being next but I think they would do all this regardless.
As for why Mike recently deleted his
Joni Mitchell - Sweet Bird tweet,
I really don't know.
Maybe he doesn't need any more time...