I've been listening to this and doing some A/B listening with the Duffy excerpt from the old BOC website. To me at least, this sounds sooooooooo much like the original excerpt that I don't know how you could cover it this well. I'm a bit of an amateur music producer, and I can't imagine being able to get something this close.
Of course, there is the issue of the track length not matching the 2:18 length on bocpages (don't recall original source for that). The song does fade out right at the 2:18 mark and then the outro starts. I've noticed that the guitars on this outro sound pretty close to A10 from R35TT, particularly the guitar in the background that's playing a chord and holding it. You can hear a guitar in the background of A10 that's playing chords and holding them. To me, they sound like they were recorded/processed in the same way.
It does beg the question, if this uploader had Duffy, why didn't they upload anything else off Acid Memories? Why does this recording have the weird outro? I'm somewhat in the camp of the unleaked albums not being real, but the tracks mentioned in them being real. I wonder if this could have come off an older compilation tape that somehow isn't leaked yet?
I'll have to think for a bit about how I could prove this really does match the excerpt we've had. It's late at night and I'm starting to ramble.
Any thoughts? Do we have any proof for or against that I can look at?