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WATER_CAN-_- wrote:
Fredd-E wrote:
J.Jardine wrote:I don't believe that the Geogaddi album was somehow influenced in it's sound by 9/11. The would have had to have been 90% complete by September 11th 2001 to release April the following year.


"Mike: "I guess this record is more positive than the last, at least on the surface. 'Geogaddi' was kind of exorcising demons, and even after we'd set out to do a record like that, smack in the middle of working on it, 9/11 happened. I remember there were a few of us in the studio that day, and we just ended up glued to the TV for the whole day. I think the months after that pushed us into making a darker record, as I'm sure it did with a lot of bands. A lot's happened since then, I have an amazing little daughter now who makes me laugh every day and gives me a greater sense of purpose on this planet than I ever had. "!

One thing he wants to dispel about Geogaddi: "It was a project. It's its own thing. A claustrophobic trip through a world full of paranoia and darkness. Some people confuse the record with us. We're no doom merchants."
"Don't forget," he says just after, "we were in the studio when 9/11 happened. The last five months recording Geogaddi were spent in the aftermath of 9/11. It was an anxious time and it felt like we were going back to the cold war. Again, I was reminded of the anxiety I had felt as a child about the nuclear bomb. I think everyone from our generation knows that feeling very well. We couldn't get rid of it, it affected our mood. The tone got more oppressive. The atmosphere, the samples... It's got everything to do with it." "Besides", going further, "I was going through a difficult period. It was a fucked-up year."

Mike: When we started Geogaddi, we were aiming to make a complex and dark record. In the middle of working on that album, 9/11 happened while we were in the studio. We sank deeper into making a dark record to reflect that time. When we started this new album, we both felt the world had become even darker and more unpredictable than it was during 9/11. Wars, terrorism, natural disasters were happening one after another. But our reaction was not to reflect that but to create an escapist record that stands in contrast to these times. Something more utopian and completely unrelated to the current state of the world.

I think if one can attempt to approximate the intended meaning behind Geogaddi, it's not so surprising.

When 9/11 happened, it became rather plain-as-day evident one of the considerable dangers of irrational belief.

Those that are irrational are more prone to group psychology, and as a result, more easily provoked in numbers through manipulation. This often leads to bloodshed.

This type of danger is increasing again with the recent increase in vocal right-wing extremism, thanks in at least some small part to this guy's Alex Jones. Which, by the way, I hope we could all agree almost couldn't be further from the BoC philosophy.


Quit it with the "I think a can speak for the whole nation" Bollocks

You have no idea what beliefs Boards of Canada have. They could, in all seriousness be huge fans of Alex Jones. Or think he's a complete cretin. Or both.

They'll hold their cards close to their chest though, that I am certain of. They'll also give indication of a belief in slight gestures. It could be real or just simply them fucking with their fan base, which they absolutely love to do and I can't say I blame them because you're mostly all a bunch of cunts.

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The bug on viewing this thread seems to be because the number of views is at 16,777,215 (which is 2^24). Probably the forum software assigns 24 bits to store the number of page views, and that's at the limit now.

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I like that it says General error on the General Speculation thread lol

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It's never wise to speak for someone. That's a quick equation that leads to projection.
We are lucky enough to exist in the same time and plane as BOC does. I can't believe that ppl have to be constantly reminded that they are not ur friends

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Beware the friendly stranger...

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steeldancer-x wrote:It's never wise to speak for someone. That's a quick equation that leads to projection.
We are lucky enough to exist in the same time and plane as BOC does. I can't believe that ppl have to be constantly reminded that they are not ur friends

Wise words

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steeldancer-x wrote:It's never wise to speak for someone. That's a quick equation that leads to projection.
We are lucky enough to exist in the same time and plane as BOC does. I can't believe that ppl have to be constantly reminded that they are not ur friends

Thanks for saying this. I find myself repeating this in this thread a lot

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Pretty sure the so called “space album” is just Twoism, it just feels… otherworldly, kinda like exploring another planet all by yourself.
Or it could be something heavenly, just like 5.9.78.
Or something completely different, I really don’t know anymore.
You’re always on a war with yourself, you’re just used to it.

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J.Jardine wrote:
WATER_CAN-_- wrote:
I think if one can attempt to approximate the intended meaning behind Geogaddi, it's not so surprising.

When 9/11 happened, it became rather plain-as-day evident one of the considerable dangers of irrational belief.

Those that are irrational are more prone to group psychology, and as a result, more easily provoked in numbers through manipulation. This often leads to bloodshed.

This type of danger is increasing again with the recent increase in vocal right-wing extremism, thanks in at least some small part to this guy's Alex Jones. Which, by the way, I hope we could all agree almost couldn't be further from the BoC philosophy.


Quit it with the "I think a can speak for the whole nation" Bollocks

You have no idea what beliefs Boards of Canada have. They could, in all seriousness be huge fans of Alex Jones. Or think he's a complete cretin. Or both.

They'll hold their cards close to their chest though, that I am certain of. They'll also give indication of a belief in slight gestures. It could be real or just simply them fucking with their fan base, which they absolutely love to do and I can't say I blame them because you're mostly all a bunch of cunts.

Everyone else, grab your popcorn.

I'd like you to go ahead and point out where I said, or even implied, I was speaking for the "nation". I said "I hope we could all agree", which is a very different thing.

Fortunately, but unfortunately for you, there's something that exists known as interviews. And so, I don't have to rely completely on their somewhat abstract art to gain any insight. Because I can read, comprehend, and analyze, I do have a high level of confidence that I know to some extent what beliefs and values Boards of Canada possess as people.

That said, I intend to make something extremely clear to you right now:

You're coming onto a Boards of Canada fan message board, promoting (to put it mildly) a pathetic disgusting excuse for a human being, who made a mockery of and exploited the murder of twenty elementary school children for his own benefit.

Let that sink in for a moment.

BoC are, by all accounts, rational and scientifically-minded people who have a deep appreciate for childhood and life in general. As far as I can tell, these are genuinely kindhearted people. Do you honestly think this type of person is in line with their values and beliefs? And yes, I can provide evidence for these assertions if you like using their own words. Please feel free to ask.

While I think free speech is also an important part of the BoC ethos, allowing too much spewing of vile hatred and evil worsens the community. While you aren't directly doing that to my knowledge, you are promoting someone who is, which in my view is just as bad. You're lucky I am not a moderator, because I would promptly show you to the community exit unless by some miracle you were somehow able to come to your senses.

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Just wait until another Arvy sockpuppet chimes in.

What you said is very well put and by all means I support the spirit of the message and the intent of your post. And I back it 100%. But in the past chunk of the year a certain spectrum of posters have revealed themselves to be toxic and proponents of disgusting idealogies. Luckily a few of them have been banned though. If Onyxia posts here, then all I've said has been forewarned.

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Thank you. It troubles me to see this sort of thing associated.

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WATER_CAN-_- wrote:You're lucky I am not a moderator, because I would promptly show you to the community exit unless by some miracle you were somehow able to come to your senses.

I mean, there are other reasons to do that. I believe J.Jardine is Soul Flask.
(For the uninformed, Soul Flask is a guy the moderators have had to ban once, and another time on an alt. On his original account he spew a lot of far-right ideologue and rhetoric in his own topics as well as in others. At that time I also found his twitter accounts, pre-Elon Musk takeover, which contained much worse admittances than conspiracy theories.)

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Count me in for the bashing of far-right conspiracy theorists lol. Also I stand with WATER_CAN-_- completely, the brothers think way to analytically to believe mindless rhetoric.
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Damn, I thought the thread was broken, but it was apparently far worse than I thought...
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rodox_head wrote:Damn, I thought the thread was broken, but it was apparently far worse than I thought...

This isn’t even a speculation thread anymore. It just turned into the fighting ground for Twoism.
You’re always on a war with yourself, you’re just used to it.

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mGardener wrote:
rodox_head wrote:Damn, I thought the thread was broken, but it was apparently far worse than I thought...

This isn’t even a speculation thread anymore. It just turned into the fighting ground for Twoism.

How can you prove that? I'm currently speculating that a fall release is maybe off the table at this point, but I'm surely thinking that early 2025 is the latest that we get a pretty surprising update. So likely before that, yes.

This is speculation, no?

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“how far off mark can you get”
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