Fredd-E wrote:Sherbet Head wrote:I've probably mentioned this before, but I think it'd be most refreshing if LP5 had no theme at all. I'd love a batch of loose tracks from every corner of the BoCverse.
A Few New Tunes.
That in itself also looks like a theme/concept, the long-awaited bocset in particular, don't you think?
Well, not the bocset, but something similar in approach I guess.
Of course, the bocset was always intended to be an expansive compilation of early material, wheras I was merely suggesting a totally new album that isn't confined to any particular sound, theme or overarching concept, almost as if an 'Old Tunes'-style comp was constructed today, based on their post-TH material and disguised as an LP.
Basically, I wanna hear BoC make a Ween album.
- Spoiler: show
- (excluding The Mollusk as that, quite clearly, had a theme)