robotanalysis : selected works 01- 05. most of the tracks on here are really solid material. one- two and caroline jumper are just amazing pieces of music and fit together perfectly. from the talk of buying music, i think i would have bought this if i had heard it at a mate's house or something. so, if material like this is free, imagine how good something has to be to make me part with my money.
thedisavowed wrote:You should PM him. He's been absentee lately.
can you remind me of his user name? its not paramnesic, so its all a bit confusing.
also, NP paramnesic : Dissociative LP. its all i've been listening to for the past 3 days except for the break to listen to the new portishead album. i was surprised to not see paramnesic on OoT vol 2. shame...
autechre : quaristice. oh yes, very nice. i really need to try and find the money to pick this up. the japanese version could have tracks that aren't the other versions!
i URGE people to check this out if they havent heard it... this piece of music was sampled by amen andrews on the track 'fast and bulbous' - its literally the most beautiful piece of music ive ever heard.